“Ðêm nay tôi bước vội khỏi nhà.
Đến ga…xếp hàng mua vé…
‘Lần đầu tiên trong nghìn năm, có lẽ …
Cho tôi xin một vé đi Tuổi thơ…
Vé hạng trung!’
Người bán vé hững hờ, khe khẽ đáp:
‘Hôm nay vé hết!’
‘Biết làm sao! vé hết….Biết làm sao!’
Đường tới Tuổi Thơ còn biết hỏi nơi nào?”­
(Cho tôi xin một vé đi tuổi thơ - Nguyễn Nhật Ánh)

Do you want a ticket to your Childhood? Let’s come to us and we’ll give you one.
I. Warm-up game: Song Guessing. (20’)
Special Theme
II. Discussion: (40’)
1. What’s the first thing that pops up on your mind when you think about your childhood?
2. What was your dream when you were a child? Does it still remain until? Why or why not?
3. Do you remember what the sweetest thing that made you feel like you were on cloud nine when you were a kid was?
(For example: a special candy bar, being taken to the zoo, a mom’s delicious dish, etc...)
4. Everyone has something that they were very proud of when they were children: the first time you knew how to ride a two-wheel bike, your handsomeness/prettiness, your strongest robot, etc... and you just proudly boast it to everyone you met with sparkling eyes, exciting voice, a rejoyce face. What’s yours?
5. Do you remember the game or tivi show that you quite enjoyed when you were a kid? Which one that you remember the most?
6. Who/what was your best friend back then? What was your most precious memory with them/it?
III. Drawing:
Everyone will be divided into groups, each group will be given a sheet of paper. Everybody in a group will build up together a story titled “If I could turn back in time”. When the time is up, each group has to choose one representative to tell the story to the whole room.

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